Sunday, August 19, 2012

School's Tomorrow

    I can't wait for school. Sounds strange, right? I'm gonna be going to JAM this year, and I'm excited. My summer was kinda boring, cause there was nothing to do. We went to a beach with some friends, and that's it. Some of my friends go to JAM, so that's part of the reason why I'm excited. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


    Well, looks like I'm goin' to Jewett Academy this year; I'm going to miss most of my friends at JSA. At least I have still have Mr. Miller as my orchestra teacher. And I have like, 8 friends that go there, so I won't be lonely. I will have to get used to my new school, and I hope it's awesome. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Lindsey Stirling

    My friend found out about Lindsey Stirling three weeks ago, and he's obsessed over her. He said he'll never become depressed in life again. But she is pretty awesome, though. She's a hip-hop violinist who is a really good dancer. One of my favs is her dubstep violin video, 'Crystallize'.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

    I just wanted to say happy Father's Day and hope you have a wonderful day with them. Remember to get them something!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

School Is Almost Over

    OMG!!!!! School is almost o-v-e-r!!!!! Only six more days, and I can't stand it. Summer is right in front of me, and I can't even dang reach it. Sixth grade went by sooo fast, but the last few days are making me lose my cool. I'm sooo frustrated, I think I'm going crazy. I'm sooo sad, because I still have a few orchestra concerts (damn it, these last few days). I can't wait, because we are going to have so much "fun". 

Friday, May 4, 2012

Mom Graduated From College

    My Mom graduated from college! She is now a nurse. I am so happy for her. She graduated on Wednesday. The next day, she surprised me by showing me a Kindle! She bought 2 Kindles, one for her and one for me, because I wanted one for a while. I kind of wish she got me a Kindle Fire. But I'm glad, anyway. Today is another graduation, except that it is from the whole of Polk State College, not just nurses.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Epic Rap Battles Of History #1

    Hey guys. I'm going to try and show you guys videos from the "Epic Rap Battles Of History". Now, the videos from the "Epic Rap Ba-", OK. I don't need to say it again. As you can see, the videos are about people of history rapping against each other.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

More Blogs

    Waz up? Today, I'm here to bring you guys more blogs I found. They are really awesome, too. Some are for bronies, but they're still pretty cool. I'm also following YouTube's blog, too.

YouTube Blog

Lunar Cabinet 6

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Concert's Over!

    Yes! My concert's over! Do you even know how glad I am??? For one thing, it was the EYS concert, and I'm so glad it's over with. I don't have to worry about it anymore. Well, it was over, like, a week ago, and, it was on my dad's birthday! Now, you think that I mean exactly last week, hm???      - __ -

Thursday, April 12, 2012

FCAT (6th Grade)... AND... EYS Concert

    Oh my GOD! I have a concert on Monday; the same day as the first day of FCAT! Right now, I'm filled with many different feelings, like rage and nervousness. But the good part is, once FCAT is over with, we don't have to worry about preparing about it for the rest of the year. And... once the concert is over, we don't have to have EYS orchestra rehearsals again, and the concert is dealt with. Wish me luck, and for those who are also taking FCAT. And plus, the first FCAT assessment is Math, so that won't be a big problem for me.  

Monday, April 9, 2012

Answering Questions #1

    Even though I'm not going to answer 3 (or more) questions, I have a question to answer.

Q: What is your favorite class and why? (OC-Lover)
A: My favorite class, if not in an arts school, will have to be Ms. Waldon-Major. She is a very funny, but serious, teacher, and it's awesome to be around her. If I were in an arts school, which I am, it would have to be Mr. Miller, my orchestra teacher. He is funny, and a very good teacher. He teaches the class many things, and my classmates and him joke around a lot, and we have a great time. On some days, he isn't in a good mood...

Easter Holiday

    I know it was yesterday, but I just wanted to say, Happy Easter! I went to church, blah, blah, blah, and some funny things happened. While Father Charles was blessing us with holy water in the chapel, his speaker was on, so we can hear everything he said, like...
    "Dang, it's hot in here!"
    He said something else, but I didn't hear it. When he came back to his seat at the altar, he announced:
    "I don't know if you heard it, but my speaker was on, and I said that it was hot in the chapel, so I turned up the AC in there."
    He said other crap, but is made us laugh, etc. We had a lot of fun during mass, etc. After mass, since my mom didn't cook lunch before mass, we went out to eat. We didn't go anywhere special, just a place called 'BBQ'. The food was really good there. My dad also tried to guess what our waiter's name was, and he was correct! It was crazy, cause he... just... guessed! And, my parents were debating on the same topic. She lost. :)
    After that, we went to the Nike store. We all got new shoes, that we would wear next year. We also bought some for our cousins. That really was it. We just went back home, and took a shower (me; my brothers and sister were playing outside, then they took a shower).
    I had given up my Wii for lent, but the TV couldn't change inputs, so I couldn't play it anyway. We also had to eat fish on every Friday of lent, and it was disastrous! I was sooo sick of it. But now lent is over, so NO MORE FISH!  

Friday, April 6, 2012

Go To My Other Blog!!!!! >:(

    Guys, you better go to my other blog, because if you don't, I'll stop posting stuff and bullcrap. :P  You guys listenin', are ya? I'm watching you. You better go there right now.

    You guys better tell your friends about BOTH my blogs, even if you don't care. It won't waste your time (and your guts...).

P.S. : My blog, up there, has adult material, so don't look at that blog at school. It is NOT my responsibility if you get/got in trouble... Just warning you. And, my friend is a brony.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

I Get A Cappuccino

    I just recieved my test grade in Mr. Hatzer's class (math teacher), and I got a 92%. Tristin got a 98%. Sucks for me (I usually get the highest). Anyway, we had to find the average for our team table. We won by .5%, so we were very lucky. What we got to get, was a cappuccino for the whole team. Tristin also got one, because he got the highest grade. While I am typing this, Mr. Hatz is making the cappuccino. It looks delicious... Hope it tastes good.

Music #2

    For those who don't know, I may post 1 or 2 videos on YouTube (songs). Today, I'm giving you guys something I posted a long time ago. If you play a string instrument, you'll be very familiar with this song, except it's in a rock version. I'm going to show you two people, (on left) dressed as a terrorist (on right) and a bunny, playing the hardest song you can imagine (besides 'Flight Of The Bumble-Bee'). I'll also show you guys a guitarist playing the guitar version of... Canon Rock (duh)!
    If you guys don't want me to talk anymore, just watch the videos. I'll speak anyway. Someday, I hope to play the violin as good as the terrorist violinist, and hope to master Canon Rock. Of course, they're Japanese. What else would you expect??!?! They'll play very awesome. Anything you can expect from us Asians.

    That is really all the excitement for this post, but I'll play something for the guitarists. I'm sure some would start to get better at it, and practice every day until they are good enough to play and master Canon Rock.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

An Awesome Blog!!!!!

    Hey, guys! I decided to post on THIS blog, because THIS blog is more known than my other blog. No, I didn't choose the title because MY blog is awesome, but because I found a very, very, VERY, good blog. I swear, If you explore her blog, then it's most likely that you'll like it. Mainly, she's Asian (not trying to be racist), and we (Asians) rock (not trying to be racist...). She is hilarious, and talks about anything. She is also the most famous blogger in Singapore (hope I told that info correctly), and has recieved many rewards. She is about 30 (from this day forward) years old, and is beautiful. I'm SOOO not saying I like her that way, but she's 30, and beautiful.
    You should seriously read her blog; she talks about anything. Keep that in mind. I'm also trying to say that if you think  you know who I am (teachers), don't read her blog (Ms. Rainey, don't). But do it at home, so I won't find out. Sorry if it takes a long time to load; she puts a lot of effort into one post (not saying it's bad).

Xiaxue Blog

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Kony Project

    Ms. Rainey, my critical thinking teacher, had us choose a topic on something about our time. Other classes had chosen something. When we had to choose something, OC-Lover suggested the Kony Project. It deals with something in our time. It's a project where soldiers... whatever. Just go to:, and you can search for the video about it.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Very Helpful Blog

    Hey, guys! I found this blog, where he puts links to other peoples' blogs and other websites to different pieces of music! By the way, I'm following him now. He organizes the pieces by different artists, for example, Taylor Swift would be in 'Artists - T (Click Here)'. You'll find many different artists, like 'Black Eyed Peas' and  'Plain White T's'. The songs are meant for piano, but if you can play an instrument well, you can play most of these songs. Some songs go lower than G3 (lower than the G string on violin). If you play an instrument, you should check this dude's blog out (dudette?). Warning: most songs are advanced.
    Sorry, I forgot to put the address to his blog. Here it is:

Free Printable Sheet Music

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Announcement And Latest News

    I have a few announcements, and some latest news. First up, my announcements. I want to announce that I will be posting only once a week, if there is a week with 5 straight school days, and there are many coming up. I'll posting on Friday, or Saturday. The latest news will come soon, but I have news already. I'm saying there will be more. I'll separate the news from this.

    OK. I  just received  the  news, and  I'm  disappointed. The  news  I already had  was that  we  had our E-Team competition. It consists of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. The 'E' in E-Team means 'Economics-Team'. We answer many different questions other than economic questions, like history and math. Each grade goes against each other, like 6th goes against other 6th grade schools, and 7th goes against 7th, etc. We combine our points in the end. If you score, in total, in the top 6 out of any school (there are about 30 middle schools, but only about 6 go against each other), you get to go to the next round. Unfortunately, we lost, and didn't make it. But at least we had fun. And at least we came in 2nd. Tomorrow we get to go to a restaurant if we bring a note saying we could go. We also had fun at The Lakeland Center (place of competition), to and from there, also.
    And just 2 days ago, we went to a pizza place at 11:30, next class was orchestra :( , and after that we went to Sonic to get Ice Cream Shakes (I got caramel). Then we went to back (we saved the shakes) to school at around 1:00 ( it kind of looked like we were showing off). We went back to Ms. Waldon-Major's room (E-Team coach) and ate our shakes there until 8th period. Sorry if I didn't explain this, but every other day there are odd and even days for middle school (1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th period; 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th period, repeating, etc.). We had a lot of fun.   

    I am also having an EYS concert somewhere in April, along with a performance with Harrison School of The Arts, combining orchestras with my school and Jewett Academy. In EYS, we have to play 1 challenging piece (if you know what challenging means to me, then yes, you'd know that if you are not a good violinist, you'd probably play all of it, but with not-so-good accuracy on intonation), 'Star-Spangled Banner'. You think that's not hard, try playing up to high G, and play in B flat! When saying high G, I play in 4 1/2 position. So wish me the best for the next following weeks.

My New Blog Address

    I announced it a while ago, and for those who don't know, I announced that  my new blog address will be this: . If you follow me, you'd know what address my blog will be. Sadly, I only have 2 followers, and 1 on my other blog. I hope more people get to read my blog. Just go to my blog, please. 

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Music #1

    Hey guys. I'm not doing 'Music, Just Music', anymore. I'm just going to play one song. The same title will be shared with my other blog, 'Little Homie'. I also found other funny videos, and my friend showed me scarring stories yesterday at a party, so scarring and inappropriate, that I can't type it up at school. I don't have it...Yet. I'll type it up on my other blog. I swear, you won't read everything. And, it's long. Here's the music I promised.


    The 'Sweet Apple Massacre' will take a long time to type, since I have to repeatedly look at another tab/window. It'll come soon though. I promise.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Break Is Over

    I've heard that many people did NOTHING on Spring Break. I had to type up a really disgusting brony fanfic that I hope you'll catch, there: You'll hear a lot about it. You don't get that 'Hurray! There's finally a break!' feeling, do you? Especially, an 'I don't get to see school for 2 months! Hurray!' feeling, either.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Better Now

    Finally, I'm better! I feel as good as new, and crazy things have happened over the few days of my sickness... Anyway, make sure to check  for any upcoming posts. I might have a surprising one coming up soon...

Thursday, March 15, 2012


    No. I'm not talking about 'pie', the thing you eat. I'm talking about pi (3.14, etc., etc.). If you didn't know, pi day is on Mar. 14 (3.14, you get it?), which is coming soon. On that day, they're going to do activities about pi. As you know, pi is an irrational number, and is used in many ways, like finding the circumference or area of a circle, etc. If you look up on google, 'all digits in pi', then you have a selection of websites to see many digits of pi.  Well, I guess it was yesterday, huh??! :)

New Address!

    I'm warning you! I will be having a new blog address by the end of spring break. It will be '', etc. If you're still not aware, you can just go to and go to my profile and click on 'Violin Rocks', and you can go from there. I will tell you the address on a later blog. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

When The Time's Right

    Hey guys. I bet your wondering what the title for this post meant. It meant I'll leave the memories... I'm saying that I'll leave this blog when I'm done with school. I'll still write on this blog, if I'm going to be a violinist. If I go to college, I'll write in this blog. That's all I have to say. I'll leave when the times right...

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Really Sick

    Have I told you? Just wanted to say that I'm really sick, and I'm not getting better. I just hope I'm well and healthy after spring break, because I have places to go after break. I think it's because I'm having too much of a good time. Wish me luck, please!

About 6th Grade

    Well. I can't even think to explain something as harsh as 6th grade, like harder subjects, if you're not a nerd (kidding, well, maybe, seriously), and being on time to your next period (class) in just 5 minutes! The teachers don't joke around, sometimes, and you have to be more mature. If you say something really retarded... I don't know about the teachers, but I say they'll regret you ever came to 6th grade. Just depends on them. And the people in 7th and 8th grade, they've changed over then last 2 years of middle school, so you won't get used to them for a while, until you become the middle school... (probably what a hippy would say...) Hope this helps, if you're a person who is 5th grade and under, or tell your younger brothers/sisters about this blog, and see if it works for them. And even though I'm not in 7th grade, I know it will be even tougher... Hope this helps. Thanks!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

An Urgent Video

    Hey guys. This post is not long, but I just want to say,


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Few Blogs (Updated)

    I'm going to post a few of my friends' blogs, and they're pretty awesome. Here they are:

          I know you be likin' what you see on these blogs!

New Follower

    I did not know until today, but I have a new follower! Make sure to check that person out. That's really all I have to say for this post. I wonder what this person writes about... If only that person could tell me, hm???!...

Oh No. School!

    I said it: oh no, school! I know, I know, school can be a big pile of... stuff... but on certain days, I really enjoy it. For me, sometimes, school can get out of hand. On some days, I just don't want to work because I'm tired. Sometimes, I just want to do nothing (except blog). I'm rarely energetic at school, but at home, I'm wide awake. Getting ready to stay up, chew some gum and listen to my music until about 11:00 on the weekdays. On the weekends, we're allowed to stay up until 12:00 or 11:00, or until my dad tells us to brush our teeth and sleep. School is sooo much different to my outside-of-school life. Just want to put it out their, I'm as smart as the rest of all of you, but if you know me, you may be surprised. Getting back to school, it will be a pain in the behind when you get to middle school, so you'll need to be prepared, especially in 6th grade, your first year in middle school. I don't know about 7th grade, yet... Even if I won't like school, it is reasonable to go, because if you don't get an education, you'll be living on the streets as a hobo, or you'll be working at McDonald's, getting only about $8 an hour for an part of the McDonald's job, like the fry cook... Well, thanks, guys! Hope you like this! 

Any Questions?

    Today, I want to say, please leave a question about my in-school life. I'll probably start posting things about answering about at least 3 questions. I'll probably post one every month, or when possible. Please, don't ask anything that would reveal to much of my identity, unless you're in my school, you already know me. I'll start posting the questions + answers at the beginning of a month. Thanks.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Check Out 'Little Homie'

    Hey guys. Just want to say, make sure to check out my other blog, 'Little Homie', at
    Just click 'view complete profile' on the side. Also, you guys should check out my followers, at and

My Advanced Orchestra

    I know I had a few chances to tell you some things about my orchestra. Now I'm going to tell you almost everything about my orchestra. My advanced orchestra is made up of 13 violins, (6 in 1st, 7 in 2nd), 8 violas, 5 cellos, and 3 basses. Some of 2nd violins and violas are made up of 6th graders, just coming from beginning orchestra. I'm currently in 1st violin, but was in 2nd violin (with my friend, Michael H.). (We took a playing test, determining our seat placement.) When the 8th graders are gone next school year, I'll most likely be in 1st chair, when I'll be in 7th grade. Some people in beginning orchestra this year will move up to advanced orchestra. Mr. Miller, my orchestra teacher, is planning to move up a 5th grader and a few violinists. We also play at a high school level (I think a level C). John H. is 1st chair of 1st violin, and I'm in 5th chair. Mr. Miller is a cool and awesome orchestra teacher. He also teaches orchestra at another school. That's the school my best friend, Sid, goes to (he plays violin). We play (and have) the same pieces, and we practice sometimes (not as much as we used to). That is all I want to say for now. Please comment, if able. Thanks!

Josh Vietti

    Watch. I found this hip-hop violinist, Josh Vietti, on YouTube. It's a hip-hop medley, where he plays 'Lean Back' from Fat Joe, 'Flashing Lights' from Kanye West, 'Forever' from Chris Brown, 'Memories' from David Guetta, and 'Day 'n Night' from Kid Cudi. Hope you enjoy!


    You should go on YouTube and watch his other videos, even though I haven't watched all of them. Hope you enjoyed. Thanks.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


    MPA is a performance of three pieces where you get a rating for each piece:superior, excellent, good, fair, and poor (A, B, C, D, F). You are also asked to sight-read. For MPA we had to play Conquistador!, Canon In D (an arranged version), and Arlington Sketches (my middle school orchestra plays at a high school level). We started rehearsing for MPA in December. I was in 1st violin, but I wasn't worried. Conquistador!, I already knew how to play, Canon, I practiced the full version for 2 years already, and Arlington, I already knew how to play, too. We were already close to MPA, only a few weeks away, around the corner, on Feb. 25, 2012, and improved a lot since December, but I didn't know if we would play good enough to get straight superiors. After the next few weeks, we really did improve up to the point where we knew we would get straight superiors. The day of the performance, I wasn't nervous, but was curious what the sight-reading piece was going to be. On our way there, we knew someone didn't come (we soon found out on Monday that something had happened), because we counted the ones supposed to ride the bus.


    When we got there, we had to unpack at the cafeteria. We only had 30 min. to warm up. We then went out on the stage to play our pieces for the rating. When we started playing, I kind of doubted that we would get straight superiors. When we were done, we headed out to the sight-reading room. The title of the piece was 'Harrowland'. What was strange, the lady told my orchestra teacher to conduct in 4/4 time, when it was in cut time. She also had us end the piece at measure 55. When we played it, it wasn't too rough, but the last note, on measure 55, we had to look up at Mr Miller (orchestra teacher) and we had to hold out the last note. I only played part of the last note (I kind of told myself, that sucked).


    After we went back to the cafeteria to pack up, after about 5 minutes, Mr. Miller gave us our results. We got straight superiors (counts for sight-reading, too)!!!!!! I was so happy because my first time playing in MPA, our orchestra got straight superiors. Hurray!!!!!!!


    Hope you guys liked my post! This was my first experience with MPA.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Canon Rock

    Have you heard of Canon Rock? It's a rock version of Canon In D, mainly for two violins. 1st violin's part has to be played with an electric violin, because the notes go up really high, going almost at the edge of the fingerboard. There is a shorter version; an intermediate version and advanced version.

Canon Rock short, advanced version. If you want to see the full short version, go to

    As I said, there is a longer version of Canon Rock. I'll have to show the music to you to show you how hard it really is (it is really looks impossible).


    As you've seen on the video, it seems like a totally impossible piece to play. I don't think even David Garrett can memorize it and play it, but I know two people who probably listened and memorized it! Don't believe me?! Just look here! It's a terrorist and a bunny, 1st violin played as an electric violin!


    Now you know why I am sooooo crazy about Canon In D, because it has a rock version that sounds so awesome, and a terrorist and bunny can actually play it! You can find other videos about them. Just go on Youtube and type 'Canon Rock Violin'. You'll see their picture. Click there, and to the right, you'll probably see more pictures of people in costumes. Choose whatever.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Some Things About Me

          Hey, people. I'm someone who loves the violin very much, and can play it pretty well for my age. I've been playing the violin for 2 years, this year being my 3rd. I know how to play many songs on the violin, like 'An Irish Party In Third Class' and 'Canon In D', all 1st violin! I have so much to tell about myself, like I'm 1st violin in my orchestra. We are at a high school level, and play really hard and challenging pieces. Some pieces, like 'Canon Rock Intermediate Version', I learn with my friend. It is really hard, with triplet sixteenths, and a few times during the piece your fingers feel like there moving everywhere randomly on the fingerboard, but if you practice it a lot, it'll sound really good. In my orchestra, we are currently playing 'An Irish Party In Third Class', and it's challenging. I can play the rhythm correctly and more slowly than the fast tempo. Some of my other mates in 1st can't really play the rhythm, and it goes really fast; I'm not even in 1st chair and I can play it! Especially the shift in the B section, I almost mastered it! Here is a video of a family quartet playing 'An Irish Party In Third Class', played at G major, then transitioning to D major.


    Canon In D is a very beautiful song played at D major, and is normally played with three violin parts, a bass continuo, which is paired up with the gigue at the same key. Canon In D was composed by Pachelbel Canon, and today, Canon In D is played at weddings. Here is Canon In D!